About me
Coming to this page either means you want to know a little bit more about me, or you just want something to read to avoid boredom, either way, here you go.
My name is Teo Bartulović and I was born in 1976 in Split, Croatia and if you know how to add and subtract it shouldn't be too hard to guess my age! Now when we know how old I am permit me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points. First of all I like photography, gadgets, computers and I’m on the internet from its beginning, before the WWW was developed and it was still called Arpanet.
Secondly, I also closely worked with Nokia as "social media expert" and "test pilot" and I am still running couple of successful mobile and electronic related web portals. Currently I'm working on a few new projects, mainly dealing with the Joomla implementation and design and also working as freelance writer for several tech and media portals.
Furthermore, I like learning lot about nutrition, fitness, martial art, and other things like that, as a matter of fact I like being able to do pretty much anything myself, but since this site is about hiking only I'll stick with that here and only add that I am also known as an established expert in various outdoor activities including hiking
However, taking photos, webmasting and all other above mentioned activities are nothing more than enthusiastic hobby of mine that I am doing in my spare time. At the moment my first occupation is design and prepress and I'm currently work for an IT and Prepress Departments of the quite a big company with facilities in Croatia & Bosnia and Herzegovina.
By now you're probably asking yourself "how much I know about webmasting, photography and what I am doing on a hiking related site!?" Well, to be really, really honest with you, not that much. Seriously. Compared to the average Homo sapiens, I know quite a bit, but there are many who know more than I'll ever know. Certain things in photography, design & prepress as well as webamsting I can be considered very good at, but from other hand there are things I know nothing about also.
Anyway, the main reason why I am here and why this site exists after all is my passion for hiking, climbing, exploration & adventure. The main objective of this site is increasing interest for our lovely Biokovo, the northern side especially and promoting a sense of adventure and love for nature among youths mainly through outdoor activities such as trekking and hiking.
In short, the main idea is making outdoor activities and exercise on Biokovo more accessible by increasing the quantity and quality of hiking routes and walkways, providing opportunities for children and teenagers and whole families for healthy recreational activities and increasing well-being in the society.
That’s all for now from me and in case you have any further question please don’t be hesitate to contact me via our online feedback form, and I'll do my best to be in touch with you promptly. You can also find me on nearly all major IM services and social networks including Facebook, Twitter, Skype, MSN, Google, LinkedIn, Flickr, ICQ, SIP, Yahoo!, Viber, Whats up and few others as well, so reaching me shouldn’t be problem to anyone.
Kind regards,
Teo Bartulović